Clark Kent returns home to find a strange, elderly man in his apartment. This is Jackson Porter, Clark's new neighbor. Porter claims that he came over to introduce himself and found the door open, but Clark grows suspicious. After an awkward conversation, Porter returns to his apartment.
Later, a strange phantom is seen terrorizing the streets of Metropolis. Morgan Edge is angry that the phantom was seen floating near the apartment of his "star reporter" Clark Kent, and Kent failed to put together a story on the incident. Clark decides to investigate the matter on his own as Superman.
He soon discovers that the mysterious phantom is actually Faora Hu-Ul, an escaped criminal from the Phantom Zone. Superman tries fighting her, but Faora escapes. She then flies to the apartment of Jackson Porter, where she has been masquerading as the ghost of Porter's late wife, Katie.
Clark Kent is bored and looking for something to do. He meets Harry Davis, a private investigator who mistakes Kent for a man named Lionel Maxwell. He is trying to locate Maxwell to inform him that he stands to inherit a million dollars from a deceased relative. Kent takes an interest in the matter and tracks down the real Lionel Maxwell. He finds him living in poverty in Barolsville, Pennsylvania. Maxwell wants nothing to do with his inheritance, citing that wealth only leads to misery. Kent convinces him to accept the inheritance and give the money to his poverty-stricken neighbors.
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