About Gagline Comics & Collectibles

Whether you’re a diehard collector or simply a fan of the comics, Gagline Comics & Collectibles is an emporium of new and vintage comics from all your favorite superheroes, genres, and authors. Based in Atlanta Georgia, we serve the general public as well as comic and graphic novel enthusiasts who trade and buy ...

Our expert Gagline employees are walking encyclopedias of comic book history and are well versed in the value of all our editions and rare items. If you have comics you're looking to trade, we pride ourselves on offering fair and accurate prices on trades that benefit the whole comic community. If you are looking ...

As well as supplying an exceptional range of comics and graphic novels popular and trending today, we also stock a selection of rare comics and Kickstarters to cater to collectors from our many audiences. Our team of staff consists of people who understand how to select the best merchandise from all over the ...


  • 24/7 availability
  • Debit & Credit cards accepted
  • Family-owned